Something exciting is coming soon!

We're working on a suite of software products that will revolutionize the way you manage your patients and deliver care.

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In the meantime, here's a sneak peek at what you can expect:

Sneak Peek: VR Applications in Three Medical Specialties

Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy:

VR for interactive rehabilitation exercises: Patients can engage in interactive VR simulations that mimic real-life movements and situations. For example, a patient recovering from a knee or shoulder injury could perform controlled, precise and limited movements according to the parameters set by the operator while having fun and collecting points for his efforts, all in an engaging environment, practicing balance and coordination.


VR for pain management during post-operative recovery: Similar to physiotherapy, VR can provide distraction and pain management during post-operative recovery, reducing reliance on pain medication. Imagine a patient recovering from surgery virtually visiting a scenic mountaintop, reducing their focus on discomfort.

Psychology and Psychiatry:

Exposure Therapy:

VR provides a safe and controlled environment for patients to confront their phobias and anxieties in a gradual and progressive manner. Imagine individuals with fear of heights gradually ascending virtual mountains or those with public speaking anxiety practicing virtual presentations – VR allows controlled exposure to triggers, ultimately promoting desensitization and improved coping mechanisms.

Social Skills Training:

VR creates a safe platform for individuals struggling with social anxiety to practice social interaction skills. Patients can engage in virtual conversations with avatars, allowing them to rehearse communication techniques and build confidence in a risk-free environment.

Cognitive Rehabilitation:

VR simulations can be designed to target specific cognitive functions such as memory, attention, and problem-solving. Patients can engage in interactive VR exercises that challenge and stimulate these cognitive functions, potentially leading to improved cognitive performance.


VR can help reduce anxiety and pain in cancer patients, especially during long treatment sessions such as chemotherapy.


VR can be used to improve the quality of life of older adults by providing experiences that improve mental, physical and social well-being.

Pain Medicine:

VR-based therapies can help manage chronic pain by offering patients distraction and relaxation strategies.


VR can turn scary medical experiences into exciting adventures for children, reducing their anxiety and improving cooperation during procedures.


VR can be used for patient education, helping them better understand their conditions and treatments, as well as providing support for stress management and rehabilitation.

Others medical applications:
SurgeryInternal MedicineAnesthesiologyRadiology
Obstetrics and GynecologyPediatricsOncologyPsychiatry
DermatologyOphthalmologyEmergency MedicineGastroenterology
NeurologyPlastic SurgeryOrthopedic SurgeryPhysical Medicine and Rehab
General SurgeryFamily MedicinePathologyInfectious Disease
Allergy and ImmunologyPreventive MedicinePublic HealthOccupational Medicine
Radiation OncologyNuclear MedicineLaboratory MedicineGenetics
NeonatologyPodiatryOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryHospice and Palliative Medicine
Pain MedicineOptometryAudiologySpeech-Language Pathology
PharmacySocial WorkNutrition and DieteticsOccupational Therapy
Recreational Therapy   

We’re confident that these products will change the way you manage your patients and deliver care.

Stay tuned for more updates!

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